With the ruling from September 12, 1999 - 312 O 85/99 'Liability for Links' the Hamburg District Court has ruled that by linking to a website liability is acquired for the contents of the linked site. This liability can only be avoided by explicitly dissociating oneself from the contents of linked sites. Therefore we hereby dissociate ourselves in the spirit of this ruling from the contents of all linked sites and do not embrace these as our content. All offenses against current law, custom, decency and ethics coming to our attention will result in the immediate deletion of the link, entry, graphic representation or similar item.
Your interest in our website and our foundation is important to us. Nevertheless we can not assume any liability for the content of external links, although we take great care to monitor their content.
Protection of your personal data which we collect in the course of your visit to our website is of importance to us. This data is protected according to the framework provided by German law. Below you will find a listing of the data which is recorded in the course of your visit to our website, and indication of how we use this data:
1. Recording and processing of data
Every access to our website and every retrieval of files deposited there is recorded. Collection of information on these activities serves internal system related and statistical purposes. The log itemizes: name of the retrieved file, date and time of the retrieval, quantity of the data transmitted, notification of successful completion, the web browser and the querying domain.
In addition, the IP address of the querying computer is logged.
Additional personal data is only recorded in such cases where the user on his own volition reveals such information, for example in the course of registration, or when sending a query.
2. Use and dissemination of personal data
In so far as you have revealed personal data to us, our usage of this information is restricted to answering your queries, fulfilling contractual obligations into which we have entered with you, and also administrative purposes. Your personal data is only disclosed to third parties in such cases when this is necessary for the fulfillment of contractual obligations - especially such concerning orders placed to external suppliers - and also in cases where this is necessary for the settlement of accounts, or in cases where you have given your advance permission. You may withdraw your permission at any time to prevent future disclosure.
Ihre personenbezogenen Daten werden an Dritte nur weitergegeben oder sonst übermittelt, wenn dies zum Zwecke der Vertragsabwicklung – insbesondere Weitergabe von Bestelldaten an Lieferanten – erforderlich ist, dies zu Abrechnungszwecken erforderlich ist oder Sie zuvor eingewilligt haben. Sie haben das Recht, eine erteilte Einwilligung mit Wirkung für die Zukunft jederzeit zu widerrufen.
Deletion of personal data is carried out when you withdraw your permission for data storage, when data retention is no longer required due to obsolescence of the storage purpose, and in cases where law prohibits data storage for other reasons.
3. Right of access to personal data
At your written request we will gladly inform you about the personal data that we have collected concerning your person.
Security Notice: We work hard at making sure that your personal data is protected and inaccessible for third parties. When communicating via e-mail, we are not able to guarantee complete data protection. For this reason we recommend sending confidential information by postal mail.
Dr. Mechthild Veil, Frankfurt/Main, August 20, 2008